Have Questions? Join our FB group-Clarity, Freedom, and Peace, or Schedule a Call with Patricia below.

You Deserve a New Beginning, You Deserve Clarity, Freedom, and Peace.

We are happy to bring to you our new Clarity, Freedom, and Peace Program: Clarity, Freedom, and Peace-a 12 week journey to release anxiety and embrace your inner power. Patricia will guide you and your small group through the same activities that helped her release burn-out, anxiety and the limiting beliefs that have held her back from realizing her true calling. She will share with you her "Why" and her heart for helping people move from living in their headspace, to thriving in their heart center.

Choose What's Best for You

Register Now-We Start on April 18th-12-60 minute Group sessions + Membership to Private Facebook Group.
Open Enrollment Starts April 7th-12 -60 minute 1:1 sessions working with Patricia + Membership to Private Facebook Group + 1-30 minute Follow-Up Call with Patricia

Open Enrollment Starts April 7th- VIP Day (6 hour session) working 1:1 with Patricia + The Complete Set of Workbooks: A Life Transformed-A self-guided journey to Discovery, Empowerment, and Self-Love.

Your next step is to register with Patricia. Schedule your appointment to learn more about the program and decide whether or not it is a good fit for you.

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.